Friday, March 11, 2011

Conoco Mega Loads....On Roads...Near Me

Looks like they need to replace some light bulbs...
These parked next to the interstate...
We DID NOT stop...
These  Loads have been traveling...
very slowly from 12am-6am...
for several days through my State...
Last night...
they traveled right next to my house
on the highway...
Here are the trucks...all lit up.
The trucks came by my house around 1am.
Cowboy and I were the only ones at my house to see them.
Everyone else slept right through the lights and noise.
I am glad that I stayed up...
so I could tell you about it.
Take care,
Mommy 2
P.S. you can go to
and read more about it...
and even watch a video.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We've been gone from Home...

Mommy1    and    Mommy 2   
 go   to  visit    their    state    capital....
(look   @   all   the   fun   they   had)
Here   we  are  "pretending"  to be pages...
This and the following were taken in the
House of   Representives  Chamber...
(they were on recess)
Here we are @ the back...
Pretending   we  are Representives...

This   could   be   our   view...
This  is   part of     the room....
this   beautiful  ceiling...
Thats   enough   pictures....
for   now.
(You   know  there  are  more.)
Take care
Love to All,
Mommy 2