Saturday, November 5, 2011

Snowy Saturday

Yes... indeed...
We woke up to snow....
a nice snow...I guess a "dusting".
We are not ready for a major snow...
(being that we hardly had summer and we are just getting use to it being fall)
We will glad except a major snow after Thanksgiving
(and the Black Friday sales).
speaking of sales...they are everywhere...
even being able to save a dollar or two here and there.
Especially if it is unexpected.
I have a friend that sells Avon...
I look through the catalog...
seeing what I might "need" or in the future.
Several months back I saw slippers...
and thought...
my slippers can be worn for a little while longer...
But...the price is good (same as the major discount store where I HATE to shop),
and I am buying them from my friend.
I ordered  2 pairs....
Blue and Lavender....
And today.....
I opened up the lavender pair and put them on.....oh nice!
My last pair of slippers had to be tossed today
....the soles were falling off and I was afraid of tripping.
Now my feet are snuggy warm on this snowy day.
How was your day?
Take care,
Mommy 2


Anonymous said...

Are we surprised that Mommy2 opened the lavender ones first? Nope! Wish I could have been there with you for the unveiling of the lavender slippers, Mommy2.

I miss our special Sunday time. Gotta get this old body patched up so we can get together again.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You have to have snow in order to buy your slippers silly Mommy! -Lolo Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh you love your new slippers everytime =) and yes you need to like the snow because thats how you get new slippers silly Mommy. -Lolo Mom ;)