Monday, November 16, 2009

Mommy2 tells about her family

Since Mommy1 told us about her family...I will tell you about mine:
BusinessWomen...age 27, married to Mr. Writer,
their children:
Sunshine Girl,Mr. Grumpy, Mr.Happy Boy.
Busy Mom age 23, married to Working Guy,
their children,
The Coppertops: Chubbers; Very Busy Girl.
Their Baby brother, Smily Boy.
College Girl age 21.
Lost-in-a-Dream, girl age 18.
TechnoGuy age 16.
Creative Chick age 14.
Queen of Green(I will call her, Miss Green)age 11.
Cowboy(understatement) age 8.
I am married to the
"Dad of all the children" or Mr. Mower Man.
We also reside near the Rocky Mountains.
Stay tuned to hear about our family adventures...there will be some for sure!
P.S. Picture is of Cowboy & Very Busy Girl

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