Thursday, April 29, 2010

I am Thankful!

I tend to be a pretty optimistic and thankful person by nature, but some recent events have increased my thankfulness. Maybe you can relate.

I am thankful that I am born again. I know that brands me in some circles as ignorant and old fashioned, but I am thankful.  I am thankful for a wonderful husband who loves me and  graciously tolerates my strange ways, lofty ideas and selfish nature. I am thankful for my children and grandchildren. Thank God that I have this circle of loved ones to share life with. My church is also a huge blessing to me. My Christian brothers and sisters surround me with the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. When I fall down, they lend me a hand. When danger is in front, they close in behind me. Oh what a wonderful luxury!

I am thankful for spring. I am thankful for the ability to grow a little of our own food and to be surrounded by livestock and natural beauty. I am thankful for my wood heater when spring clouds make it too cool for comfort. I am also thankful for the friends and neighbors who helped me get it, install it and get wood for it.
It makes me very grateful to think of the provision the Lord has given, about how I am never hungry, without shelter or alone.

I am thankful for the small community I am part of. There are so many good, down-to-Earth folks here. Everyone knows your business, but I am thankful that they are very forgiving toward us. I have friends in my community who help me with everything from building fence to making cheese, from painting to butchering and many more things. to me, this is a huge blessing.

I am so thankful my Mom is coming to spend the summer with my family and that I have had a few years to share my husband's mom before she goes back South to be with the rest of her family. (Sorry to see you move, Grandma!)

I am thankful for you and that you are taking your time to read what I write. I love having the challenge to write and without this venue, my busy schedule would prevent me most days from writing. I am thankful for Mommy 2 and the encouragement that she always is to me.

Lastly, I am thankful for good chocolate...and bad chocolate...and mocha...and cocoa...and chocolate bunnies...
Thankfully Yours,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...

Lost    in   A    Dream    and   Lost   in    Space...
Dreaming   About   Getting  Married...Here...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring Decorating...

I    don't    know   if    you   are   like  me
I     enjoy    browsing   through
decorating    magazines,    blogs,    websites.
 It     gets   me   motivated   
to   do   a   little   decorating 
to     get   a   few  
of    those    projects   done
This    was  a   replacement   for   one  that   was   broken.
This   one  sat   around  "forever"  and   was   just    recently   put   up.
This   neat  shelf  has   been   in   my   home
for    several   years...
(Thanks...Barbara  R)
It    recently   found   a   nice   spot  on   my   bathroom  wall.
I    hope   this   encourages   you...
Like    it     has   me...
I    live    in   a   very   OLD   house...
and    there  is   so  much   to  be  done...
I     take   a   little    bit   at   a   time...
I     am   happy   with   each   little  completed   project.

Love  to   All,
Mommy  2

Monday, April 26, 2010

Something to think About....

Homemaker's Daily Prayers

Monday ~ Wash Day
Lord, help me wash away all my selfishness and vanity, so I may serve you with perfect humility through the week ahead.

Tuesday ~ Ironing Day
Dear Lord, help me iron out all the wrinkles of prejudice I have collected through the years so that I may see the beauty in others.

Wednesday ~ Mending Day
O God, help me mend my ways so I will not set a bad example for others.

Thursday ~ Cleaning Day
Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all the many faults I have been hiding in the secret corners of my heart.

Friday ~ Shopping Day
O God, give me the grace to shop wisely so my purchases will bring happiness for myself and all others in need of love.

Saturday ~ Cooking Day
Help me, my Savior, to brew a big kettle of motherly love.

Sunday ~ The Lord's Day
O God, I have prepared my house for you. Please come into my heart so I may spend the day and the rest of my life basking in your presence.

Following these prayers will make our homes a blessing to those who live there and to those who visit in our homes!


Note from: Mommy 2....I found this Posted at:    


Friday, April 23, 2010

Signs Of Spring....In My Backyard

I   took   some  pictures...
These   are    my   signs...
That   spring   is   really   here !!!
This   is   my  windspinner   thingy...
With    not  only  leaves...
but  3  buds !!!
I   think   there  are  3  plants.
Tulips...Red...just   starting   to   open.
This   is  ALWAYS...a  sure  sign  its Spring.
Have  A  Sweet   Spring !!!

Love to You All,
Mommy  2

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lost In A Dream.......How Many Days Until What???

It     is    137    Days...
Lost    In   Space


This   is   What...  
We   Hear  
At   Our  House...
the   Countdown...
We   Are  Very...
THEM !!!

Much Love,
Mommy 2

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Weather.... Its A Changing......

Some    say...
That    we   are  having...
   Global   Warming....
One   day   is    like   this...
April   1     2010
Or   this....Taken  on  March  27
at  an  outdoors  Birthday  Party.
I   personally  like  the  warmer   weather...
  We  have  had  snow   in   June...
For now...
  I   will    keep   my    sweater    handy.
Love  to  all,
Mommy 2

Friday, April 16, 2010

2nd Anniversary of Courting...

Our   Children   Celebrated  
their   2nd   Anniversary
 They   had   a   nice
  Dinner   Date.
They   went   here...
This   is  how  it  got  its  name...
Looking   up   one  of   the  Stacks...
from    the   inside  of   the   restaurant.

Photography  by:
Mommy 2
Previous  Posts'   Pictures...
were   taken   the   same   day.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Value of a Good Church

We have just finished a series of special meetings at our church. Every year our pastor invites many pastors from all over the nation, to join our church for what we call the "April meeting" This is a time when many preachers and their families come to our church to minister and to be ministered to. We have  about eight vignette sermons each day. The house is packed, hearts are stirred and many of us are changed a little by the Spirit of God during this time. At our church, we sit under strong exhortation, encouragement and Biblical education 3 times per week, so we are accustomed to getting excellent preaching and teaching. During the April meeting, though, it seems that we come prepared for a "tune up".

The pastors that come to preach seem to have distilled their entire year into a 30 minute pearl of a sermon. They are at their best and we are at our most receptive. They pour out, we drink in. Every heart is in a place to be very well blessed if they want to. It is our goal as a church to bless the preachers and their families. We try to pamper them a bit and give them an environment of loving acceptance and diligent service. It always turns out though that we receive the greater blessing.

This year I learned a lot. Mainly, I was reminded that God loves me and has a plan. He is executing His plan moment by moment. Every difficulty, trial, blessing and experience has been carefully sifted through His fingers before it gets to me. If I find it unpleasant or difficult, I need only to keep glorifying Him in it and on the other end of it or maybe in the middle of it, I will become aligned with the will of my loving Father. If I learn that everything God allows in my life is a blessing, regardless of how the world or even my emotions see it, I will be among all people most blessed.

God is good. He loves us and he has a plan and a path that no one else can complete except us. I am so excited to live for Him and with Him in this moment of history. I am also so very grateful that I have the privilege of being a member of an active and vibrant church.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Friendly Neighborhood Post Office

I    live   a  small   town...
It   has   the   usual...
School,  Gas Station,   Convenience Store,   Bar
Post   Office.
I  want  to  tell  you  a  little
about   my 
Post   Office...
 We   have  all  the   modern  conveniences...
Post  office  Boxes 
  that  work  with  a  neat  key...
(when  I  first  moved  here...we  had  combination   lock)
 We  have   our  own  friendly  Post  Lady  to  serve  us...
she   knows  most  people  on  a  first  name  basis.
She   let   my   girls  make  and  display  the  above  posters.
I  am  Thankful...
that  there  is still   that  small  town  feeling  left
in    places  that   we  go.

Mommy 2
Have   a   Tremendous   Thursday!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Things I Blog About...

The     truth    be    known...
I   Find  
   take   a    picture 
  of     something   
  Blog     About   It.
Here   are   a   few    Pictures...
Complete     With     Captions.

I    have   two    half    Computers..
which     equals    to    One   Whole  One.
Ever   have   days    like   this?
Do    you    like...  
the   new   look   of   the   Blog?

Creative     Chick's
version     of
Cookies   and    Milk

Mommy 2