Friday, March 19, 2010

Kitchen Thoughts

My kitchen is a wonderful place. Our house is 107 years old. The kitchen was added some time later, but it is still very old. This kitchen is NOT trendy. It is furnished with hand me downs and yard sale finds. It needs to be repainted and the countertops are pink. The dishwasher is the rolling type and the floor is sinking in a couple of places. In spite of its imperfections it is my favorite room.

My children like to hang out in the kitchen. I am so thankful that they do! Our 4X8 foot kitchen table is the place where people do their school work, where games are played, meals are eaten and life is shared. We love sharing meals with other people. It is a rare week that there isn't company at the dinner table. This week we had some friends come over and cook Asian food for us. We had orange beef Panang, cinnamon shrimp, potstickers, spring rolls, and rice. Jer and Susan did most of the cooking while Tim taught our son Speed how to catch grounders.

There is always something going on in my kitchen...

Fresh eggs from our hens.

Wheat grass and kefir smoothie

Jer cuddling the kitchen goat

Sir Dashing's favorite, Southern style
vegetable soup.


Brigetta Schwaiger said...

Love this post. Nice pictures. I want the kitchen goat!

*Reading Between the Lines* said...

I want to come!
in a few weeks we will invade your
especially the kitchen!
What shall we cook?
I hope we will keep having this beautiful weather!
Mommy 2
Thanks for the post.