I am writing this Thankful Thursday post as I do many things...a little late. So, if this is almost Thankful Friday for you, I apologize. I am thankful for a lot of things. This past week I was able to make a batch of Mozzarella cheese with two of my friends. Even though I find Mozzarella a little tricky (it is hard to get the ph just right) it turned out passably well. This means that my family ate it, which is another blessing!
I am also thankful for coupons! Nope, I don't coupon, but Mommy 2 does and she blesses me with the things she buys. This week it was cereal and ravioli mainly. My children were thankful for those items and they don't even know about Thankful Thursday!
Always, Sir Dashing, my longsuffering husband is a blessing to me. This week in particular we have had a lot of stress in our lives and he has remained caring and kind. It is hard not to be thankful for a man like that.
I am thankful for a hot bath, for a comfy bed, for blankets, for a breeze and windows that open. I am thankful I get to have pets. I am thankful my children like me and each other. I am always thankful that God is faithful and trustworthy and that I am not at the mercy of some creator-less cosmic force that doesn't love me and know me.
As usual, I am thankful for chocolate!
God bless you!
Mommy 1
P.S. Leave us a comment and tell us what you are thankful for.
I am Thankful for you...
and chocolate...
and sunshine!
Love ya,
Mommy 2
I love the line, "I am thankful that my children like me and like each other." Such a simple thing, yet so powerful, if I do say so myself.
I am thankful that you will some day teach me how to make that mozzerella
I am thankful for my husband, who loves me with all my flaws. I am thankful for 6 healthy children. I am thankful for a good church and the church family here in the Northwest, that includes you 2 ladies!!!
I am thankful that even when PEOPLE let you down...GOD never does!
Praise Him!
My husband and I have been under some stress lately, too, and my husband is such a sweetie. He always makes me feel better. I'm thankful for my 4 daughters, our 2 (almost 3) sons-in-law, my grand daughter and my two unborn grandchildren. God is good!
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